High Potential Wiki

Detective Adam Karadec is a main character in the ABC series, High Potential. He is portrayed by Daniel Sunjata.

Karadec is a throwback to the era of hard-charging investigators with a solid moral code who is sharp, measured, and observant. He’s LAPD Major Crimes’ lead detective who honors rules and protocol in a way that Morgan finds maddening.


High Potential

Season 1

In "Pilot", Adam Karadec is a detective. He meets Morgan for the first time when he finds out she was the one who tampered with his crime scene board. He does not seem to like her and doesn't want to work with her. He is insulted when she insists, "You guys made mistake, I fixed them so let's not make a big deal out of it." but his boss, Selena insists she help on the case. He does not like being one upped by her. She continues to do so as she finds the curtain ties mis-tied, noticed the floor was wiped by a towel not mopped, noticed the video was altered, and figured out there was two victims not just one. Karadec is just not impressed. Selena insists he takes Morgan along with him to see the victim's sister and despite the fact he tells her not to talk, she just can't help herself and does so even insulting Karadec by saying, "You'd think they have never done this before." He confronts her afterwards and she just takes off walking. Satisfied that she's gone, he goes to visit the next suspect only to find she is there. She breaks into the men's bathroom when he's washing his hands and informs him that she stole a letter from the victim's office that tells of how he assaulted multiple women. Karadec follows the law and insists she needs to return that threatening to put her back in jail if she gets caught. Well little did we know, but she was caught and later on someone confronts him about her sneaking in and out. He does not arrest her but tells her to stop. Morgan much to his dismay doesn't listen and continues to follow the leads in the case. The next morning Karadec comes in and she has him feed her baby while she figures out some details in the case. Karadec does indeed feed the baby her food. Morgan has Karadec take the kids to school and her into work for the day. Together they solve the case.

In episode "Dancers in the Dark",   Karadec looks less than pleased that he has to work with Morgan but debriefs her on the case. Karadec reminds her not to touch anything and just seems annoyed the entire time even when she brings up she wants to go start her investigation on the roof. When brought up to the roof/crime scene, Morgan has to be reminded to use gloves by Karadec especially since they are the first two people on the scene. Morgan informs Karadec that the tap dancer wasn't alone and finds a cell phone that doesn't belong to the victim. Morgan decided that he didn't take his own life as he wouldn't take his car with him as he loved it so much. Karadec said he needs evidence. It's always about the evidence with Karadec (being a police officer of course it is!). Morgan and Karadec go to the hospital to talk to the mom of the victim who is upset as she doesn't know if her son will survive much less dance again despite being Broadway bound. She also said he had no enemies which leads Morgan to determine that the victim was pushed by accident. She also found out there was a third man there by solving the mystery of how he got there. She was able to climb into the trunk of his car and find the trunk release special made handle so that the man could escape without being seen. Morgan and Karadec went to the car dealer/shop and Morgan makes a deal sending Karadec away which he does so disgruntledly. Morgan takes Karadec back onto the roof to look at things. She figures out that the moon was blinding the killer and he pushed the wrong guy off the roof! The second victim is still in trouble. Morgan and Karadec called the victim but things were too noisy. Morgan was able to determine where his location is but alas it is too late. He was shot and died. Morgan was highly upset and Karadec tried to talk to her about it. He said it's part of the job and they didn't get here fast enough but next time they will. Morgan goes on a walk as Karadec watches her walk away. Thanks to Morgan's work, they are able to arrest the murdered/robber.

In episode "Dirty Rotten Scoundrel",  Morgan enters the murder scene noticing right away it was a murder not a suicide explaining how cleaners would fold the towels properly and use a mop not a towel to clean up the floor. She also noticed the candles and the towel cleaned dishes suggesting something was being covered up. When they bring in their suspect, right before Detective Karadec can arrest her, Morgan loudly announces she could not do it as the timing was wrong based on the one candle that had been put out by wet during the struggle in the bathtub. Morgan was proud of herself but Karadec reminded her that the only suspect just walked out the door. He is upset but Morgan is confident. When Karadec goes to review the evidence, he finds a note written by Morgan that she took the work home to work on it. He goes to her house obviously upset and not even less upset when she announces she has her son holding gloves while fingering the evidence. He is really worried the evidence won't be able to be used in court if she handles it. Morgan tries to excuse herself saying the pants and the boots had so much missed on it. Then Morgan asked Karadec about when he started dating. He didn't answer. She brought his keys to the questioning of a witness and found his car. He is a ride-share driver. Karadec actually noticed the sign on the front where Morgan didn't. While they talk to the victim's family, Morgan overhears Karadec who tells the wife that he wasn't faithful. It seemed cold but Karadec said he had to do it to get her reaction. Once Morgan figures out about the window, they go to visit the witness who claims she gave him money thinking he was buying them a house together as he was her fiancé

In episode "Survival Mode", Morgan is excited she gets her badge today but Karadec isn't. After Selena gave all orders on how to find the two missing children, she reminds him to take Morgan along to which he replies, "How could I forget?" Karadec takes Morgan to the dad's house. It's empty but a stuffed bunny left in the bushes, partially uncleaned dishes along with a running faucet that Karadec turns off, suggests they left in a hurry. After investigating a greenhouse, Morgan spots the plants are planted wrong. She started digging along with Karadec and together they find the father deceased and buried there.

Selena comes to the scene and discusses theories with Karadec on what happened. Karadec thinks the girls were there when the father was killed with a shovel so they were kidnapped to keep them quiet. Selena thinks the girls were the intended victim and that the father got in the way. Lev shared with Selena and Karadec that there's a market where the father sells his vegetables. Someone saw a woman get into an argument with the father. She has red hair and glasses and is in her 30s. Selena thinks it's his new girlfriend but Karadec disagrees as he's still wearing his wedding ring. Selena says, "Like that ever stopped anyone." Daphne shares with Selena, Karadec and Lev that she found a photo. The photo is of two older people. The group wants to know if this is his parents. She is to find out. Karadec goes to question the frantic mom to see if she knows who they are. Selena asked Karadec why he broke protocol and put out an Amber Alert and his reply is, "Because every second counts." When Karadec checks on Morgan, she is upset because there is nothing to prepare the girls on losing a father. She asks if he noticed the car tracks and Karadec said they are on it. She informs Karadec that since they were probably taken from a stranger their chances of being found alive dropped by 42%. When Morgan meets Karadec in the hall, she's holding the protective services report and she greets Karadec, "Special K". He is not impressed by the nickname. The report says that the father was raising them with dietary needs and he was feeding them junk food. Morgan insists that is not true as they saw his garden. She said they said he was giving them insufficient educational environment and he had so many books. She feels if he is a really a bad parent then that must mean she is too. Karadec agrees she's not wrong. Karadec looks up the name of the social worker who wrote the lies and they are going to see her. She has long red hair, is in her 30s and has glasses. The woman is the social worker and Morgan notices she has past due bills on her desk. She also notices the fact she buys cheap soap suggesting she's poor. Morgan is also able to notice that the woman took a recent trip to Kauai, Hawaii based on the fact she has a lei with fresh green berries on it still. She asked her how comfy were those super-soft slippers on her feet and asked her why she wrote all those nasty things about the father. She asked if she got the hotel stay along with the trip from the father-in-law in exchange for writing those things about the father. She asked if she needed a lawyer, Morgan said yes. Karadec then asked if the father had reported her if she would have lost her job. The social worker finally came clean. She said that the father-in-law paid off a lot of people and that the father had evidence to prove it. She offered to write up a new report but he refused. He said he was tired of his father-in-law ruining everything including the planet with his hotels so she left. She then confessed to telling the father-in-law what the father was planning to do. Morgan is horrified asking her what she thought that the father-in-law was going to do. They rush to the father-in-law's house where they arrest him. When they question the driver at first he lies then admits he does not know where the father-in-law was last night. Back at head quarters, Karadec questions the suspect and Selena reassures Morgan that Karadec can handle this. Karadec shows the photo and informs the man that the photo is of a judge who granted him the ability to build his hotel on grounds that would hurt the environment. He was given in return a 60th birthday party for all his friends at the suspect's pricy hotel. He said the father found out. The suspect said no one could testify to that but Karadec was ready and informed the suspect that the social worker could. He questioned who he texted using a prepaid phone. With no answer, he said that he thinks the suspect texts prepaid phones to make things go away. He accused him of killing the father which he said he did not order it. Then Karadec asked him how long he thought the prepaid guy was willing to hold the girls keeping them alive. He gets the name of the man who owns the preapaid phone who is now the suspect. The arrest was easy, almost too easy but Karadec opens the door to an empty van. There are no girls inside much to Morgan and Karadec's dismay. Selena and Morgan and Karabec discuss the case. He admits to going to silence the father but doesn't stay finding him arguing with the mother who never admitted to seeing the father that day. They think she went to the father and confronted him and killed him. Morgan is horrified they could think such a thing but Selena insists that this is how they bring the girls home. They also think that the suspect could have done it as well. Karadec also informs Morgan that Oz said the tire track is of Mia's car but they never said anything as Mia wasn't a suspect at the time. Daphne interrupts to inform the group that Mia withdrew money and no one knows where she is. Morgan just cannot believe she is a suspect now. Morgan yells at the two saying that she told this woman she can trust us and she's terrified and she understands her. (she has her phone number in her phone as they bonded in the bathroom). Upset Morgan leaves. Karabec went to see Morgan trying to reassure her saying they will be analyzing the van. She was upset and tells Karadec that she didn't sleep prior to the girls being missing so definitely won't be sleeping now. Karadec says one thing to Morgan as she leaves, "You told Mia she can trust us but maybe we can't trust her." Then reminds Morgan that they are on the same team. Morgan called Karadec and although the mother was upset, she talked to the kidnappers lying saying she was alive. Karadec sends the mother on her way with a phone that is connected to Karadec. He tells Morgan to stay safely in the parking lot. Karadec follows her into the building and the mother follows the man's directions. Morgan follows them to find the kidnapper took the money and is gone. It's up to the track Karadec put into the money bag to find him. They find a burning car but there are no kids in the trunk. Morgan gets into the car and listens to the radio knowing who took the girls. She tells the story of how the driver fell in love with the mother, tried to comfort her to win her over then took the girls so he can play hero. She said he was a gambler and when gambling didn't pay off he decided ransoming would give him the money needed to win other the mother. When questioned though the driver didn't have the girls, they ran off into the mountain. Morgan follows the survival book that was given to the girls. Morgan carries the one girl down to her mother while Karadec holds the hand of the other girl. As Morgan looks on with happy tears, the mother mouths thank you. Karadec thanks her for trusting him. Morgan thanks him for not going "Rambo Part 2". Karadec asks if trusting each other will ever happen again. They both agree that it will probably not. Then Karadec surprises her with finding her badge in the woods. He places it over her head. She said, "Get some rest Detective." He replies, "You too Consultant."

In "Croaked",   Karadec and Morgan bicker where he said her bag is sticky so she retorts with the gym equipment has more fecal matter than a toilet. Upset Karadec said he is not going to talk to her the rest of the day. Karadec goes to wash his hands while Morgan notices the poisonous dart frog is missing. Acting quickly, she tells him to wait and when he doesn't listen, she hits him with a dart gun and he falls to the ground. Karadec wakes up during the drive claiming to be still not talking to Morgan. Then Morgan announces she answered his phone as it was connected to his car. It was a lady who said Saturday at the Grill at 1 is perfect. She added it to his calendar for him. He thanks Morgan for saving his life. While Karadec drinks some water in hopes of waking up, Morgan talks to the lady who reported the doctor missing. When Morgan hugged the lady Karadec jumped in saying, "No hugging." The son came in and said there was a man who yelled at the doctor. While the kid gave a description to Oz, KWhile the kid gave a description to Oz, Karadec questioned the parents. They recognized the guy as an ex-boyfriend to the missing doctor. He got her into trouble with the law for robbery and got himself arrested as well and spent time in jail. He was released last month and matched the description so he was brought in for questioning. Morgan spoke to the ex-boyfriend and said that she thinks he wanted to pick up with the victim where they left off but she said no. But the suspect shows an ankle monitor and it confirmed his alibi according to Daphne.

Back at headquarters, they are looking into why she would have food delivered to one address if she lives in another place in Hollywood. Morgan and Karadec go to the Hollywood apartment where they meet up with Oz and Daphne. Morgan gets upset saying she wanted to be the one to call for back-up this time. Morgan was supposed to text them but had a second Daphne in her phone so it never got to them. Morgan wanders into a room full of animals. Turns out the vet had a secret life of an exotic animal trafficker. Morgan put together why she needed money and said she needed it for a house. Morgan and Karadec find out that she was definitely looking for a house a house with bees. They found out the informant lied as the vet was buying a house for her and her son. The informant was not aware of the trafficking but she admitted that her husband knew of the affair. Karadec brings in the father for questioning and he brings the son who bonds with Morgan. Turns out the father was reading up on poison dart frogs and he is a printer man. He admits to killing the vet. Morgan still thinks something isn't right. Karadec said they could look at it on Monday but Morgan wants to do so now as she cannot rest the weekend with the case like this then she remembers Karadec had a date. HE forgets who the lady even is so Morgan stole his phone. Morgan said she cannot give it back unless he has normal hobbies. He said he does: Football, history, working out and online scrabble.

Meanwhile Karadec is on his date. The date isn't going so well as she announces, "This burger is so good just the way I like it. I usually only have red meat before I have sex" which throws him off. Then Morgan walks in with her three kids. Ava is starving apparently and takes his fries. Morgan goes to tease Karadec and his date telling the date that she is married to him and then turns to Karadec and said, "This is not you playing squash with your buddies." Then she takes it one step further, "I thought we agreed we were only going to splurge on hookers as a couple." The date looks very awkward and Morgan said she is just teasing. Then Morgan tells Karadec she has figured out that the alibied suspect is the kid's dad and that the vet was his mom leaving his mom to adopt him. She also confessed she went to talk to the suspect with an alibi and he confirmed with facial expressions that he was covering for the victim as she was pregnant which means it was a teen pregnancy. That is why her parents weren't talking to her. And that the witness who reported the victim as missing didn't really want the victim in her life but instead her son. So they brought in the witness AKA the kid's adopted mom. Karadec asked what her response was when she found out the victim wasn't really in love with her. Then Morgan added that with the victim pregnant, she sought her out and befriended her so she could be close to her son. Then Karadec accused her of allowing her husband to confess to murder and wondered if she could live with herself allowing him to go down for her murder after she planted the book in her husband's tool box. She confessed saying she was trying to sell my son. They released the husband. Morgan told Karadec that it sucks as she doesn't feel like they won. Karadec agrees saying it feels like that a lot.

In "Hangover", Morgan was deep-cleaning when Karadec called her for a case. There they meet Oz and Daphne already on the scene. Morgan goes with Karadec to witness the suspect who claims to love her boss but Morgan could see the smile wasn't genuine. The suspect confessed she agreed with the CEO's vision but she wasn't easy to work with especially if you made a mistake. She claims the CEO got all secretive changing the locks. Morgan hearing her confession, goes to look at her computer to see if it tells them anything about her as Karadec doesn't believe her and thinks she killed her boss. While looking through her stuff, they found a journal with a drawn image of the suspect stabbing her boss. Karadec questioned the suspect who doesn't remember anything. Meanwhile, Selena has brought in all the party guests to see if they can figure out a timeline as things aren't making sense. Morgan was able to successfully figure out based on the playlist and who was singing what, that the time of death is 11:00 pm. Karadec is impressed telling her well done. Together they go to question the receptionist. After hearing from Daphne that the murder weapon had no prints, they go to talk to the insulin pump woman. Daphne also said the time of death was confirmed. The lady is the mother of the son who was one of the first children who benefitted on the CEO's medication. Morgan notices that the house is beautiful but they had just moved recently. She continues saying that she wasn't sure how they could afford such a big house on no income. The family kicked them out not talking. Morgan notices before going that her hand is busted up as if she had been the one who strike the glass on the broken frame on the office wall. She knocks over a glass so that Karadec can see it. He takes her down for questioning. Karadec accused the woman of taking the money from the CEO but also says she killed the CEO but the woman wouldn't talk.

Back at headquarters after they found out the next suspect didn't do it, they start to brain storm ideas. Morgan thinks it was the husband who disagreed where the money should go to the clients. Selena is on board with that. Karadec thinks it's the suspect. Selena sends the two to the husband to question him. He confessed to not wanting the deal to go through but his wife did. He didn't kill his wife and he loved her but he didn't love what she had become. So Morgan and Karadec go back to talk to the assistant. She confesses about coming up with the idea in the first place to calm her own daughter. She gave the idea to her boss but she wanted it. She said that the CEO had a dream to help people. Karadec asked the assistant how long she was having an affair with the victim's husband. He said the only ones who know how the CEO died was her her husband or the killer so she must be having an affair with her husband. She said she wanted to do the right thing but eventually they started doing the wrong thing and having the affair. They were together the night of the murder so have an alibi leading them back to the original suspect being guilty. Morgan is upset by it.

Karadec comes to talk to Morgan asking if she was ok. Morgan confided in Karadec that she stayed in a lot of situations because she was too afraid to get out. As Morgan is putting things away she remembers that the CEO is paranoid. Karadec takes Morgan back to the scene where she realizes the mirror has a camera. Morgan and Karadec bring in the suspect and Morgan tells her what happened. She tried to quit and her boss tried to bribe her to keep quiet with the check. You refused and told her that you were going public. She couldn't let you ruin her time. She tried to kill you but you fought her off. She fell and landed on her awards while you hit your head and passed out. Karadec said it was self defense and she was free to go and would serve no time. Selena invites Morgan to come have drinks after work. She declines but changes her mind. Morgan jokes with Karadec saying she texted the suspect to come over for a drink. Karadec goes to enjoy his beer.

In "One of Us",  Karadec and Oz are debriefed by Selena. The squat team has secured the building but the police's Bull team (their team) is inside still. Meanwhile Selena figures out who the detective was when the military suspect was charged then asks her if the detective has ever been wrong, she answers truthfully not in the 20 years I have known him.

Selena is debriefed by the detective on the case. The victim was found shot to death with his own gun. His door had been kicked in and the weapon was found down the road in a trash can. There were partial prints all matching the suspect with acetone that the suspect was using in a home reno project. The height matched, their location matched, but when questioned he had an alibi, he was at his girlfriend's house. The suspect was offered a special post but he turned it down wanting a life of his own. The thought was when the victim found out, they went into a rage and he was killed. Seems closed but instead the suspect went to the shooting range the day before borrowing the victim's gun explaining the prints.

Selena and Karadec brought in the suspect's daughter to question her. The daughter said her father never missed a meal except the day he died. He told her he had something to do and he'd make it up to her. Karadec calls Morgan to inform her of the detail and tells her that he needs her to go into the evidence box to find the phone. Morgan finds out that he went to a place where there are a lot of drugs and alcohol but then notices he also went to a place for detoxing suggesting he picked someone up and took them for help.

When shots are fired, Karadec wants to hold on and wait instead of having them use the bomb. Selena wants the squat to go in now. Just then Ava comes out with Tom and Morgan starts to solve the murder case giving an address to them of where the real killer is. Sure enough, Karadec finds drugs on the man and a tracker that proves he killed the victim. Case closed! He is there at the party to give Morgan a desk.

In "Obsessed", Karadec meets Morgan at the crime scene. He sees her block cars with her car in a terrible parking space. He makes a comment on it and she tosses him the keys saying you can park it better if you can. Then she asks for a sticker or pass for her car so she can get better parking. He lies saying he'll do it but she knows better. Morgan goes with Karadec to the victim's apartment. She finds expensive shoes and purses and the woman lived in a terrible looking apartment. Karadec suggests maybe a sugar daddy is taking care of her but that isn't right. She's in serious debt. As Morgan is looking around, she finds a crime board for an ex-boyfriend of hers that was killed. She looks to be trying to solve the mystery behind his death. he victim started to investigate people and to do so, she needed a way in to an expensive club so she dated her older boyfriend as a way in. So they go to visit the club. They meet brothers. They recognize the victim as the boyfriend's girlfriend. They recognize the dead ex-boyfriend as a tennis instructor. They won't talk though. Karadec plans to get a warrant. Morgan noticed the guy at the club had a black eye. He said he got it for investigating a guy who was selling drugs on the beach. They bring him in. He at first won't talk but then he said the girl wouldn't leave her alone. He said he was not selling drugs but instead was trying to go talk to one of the brothers who owes him money.

The victim woke up so they go to question her.  She said she was responding to a call she got because of a billboard she put up. She said the person said he saw the attack so she went to the beach to meet him. Instead she got hit on the back of the head. She said he gave her the necklace on the week he died and that she would do anything for him. She was asked what she knew about the suspect. She said her boyfriend and the suspect had a few fights but he was protected by his brother. When the brother was questioned, but he said the suspect wasn't there. When they accused the suspect, his brother went crazy saying he has protected him from his drug addition getting him through rehab. So they go to talk to another member of the club. She was having an affair with the suspect while married to a councilmen. So they move to finding out about the boyfriend as they determined the boyfriend had been moved.

Morgan starts to think about the case and after getting a text from Tom, she goes to Karadec offering to buy Chinese while they work. She said since she knew that Karadec was going to be working on the case, Karadec then finished saying we could work on it together. He liked it. They worked and worked. Karadec offered her coffee in the morning. Morgan admitted she might like to date Tom. Morgan had mentioned the blue rose on her wall and Karadec finally told her. His finace made him that rose when he proposed. Her name was Lucia. They broke up so she could be with a man who wasn't in love with his job. Morgan then leaves. Morgan goes to walk away then solves the case. She tells Karadec to come too and she'll explain. A snowglobe killed the ex-boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend went to the suspect but instead found the brother. When he tried to accuse the suspect, the brother killed him. The brother covered it up. They go to arrest him but he's running but Morgan figured out where he was going. to the scene of the crime. He's about to jump until his brother said that he needed him. He is arrested. She is excited she'll get to make her date with Tom afterall but first she wants to go see Penny. Karadec looks impressed.

In "The RAMS", Morgan is trying to find a demanding Chloe when she receives a call from Karadec. Karadec tells her he needs to her a crime scene. She explains she has no car, Ludo isn't available to drive her, and as she's talking, she realizes Karadec isn't even listening to her and instead suggests she take a bus and he will drive her the rest of the day around. He doesn't give her a chance to say no as he hangs up on her much to Morgan's shock as she is always the one who hangs up on him. Morgan arrives with Chloe in tow in a baby stroller. Karadec is a little surprised but debriefs Morgan anyway. A witness says it's murder as the guy ran over him once, then reversed then ran over him again so that's murder for sure. Morgan knew what kind and year of the car based on the witness's description and knew the color based off paint flecks on the victim's watch. When Karadec tried to talk her out of it, she recognized the tire tracks are too narrow apart for an American Sport Car so stood by her thoughts. She also thought he was standing and got hit flipping over the car then got run over. Karadec said that the car should be in a parking garage and his reasoning was they were on a no-outlet street and it was street sweeping day with no parking allowed, So together, Karadec, Oz, Daphne and Morgan go and look for the car in the garage. Oz finds the car with a cover on it and Morgan uncovers it announcing, "Ta Da!" and she was right. It was a Jensen and it was blue. Karadec starts to say there is a process to be done first just as Daphne noticed that Morgan was also right, the fender was bent and the paint was chipped.

Back at the station, Karadec is going to go talk to the victim's house with Morgan while Oz and Daphne go check out the victim's neighbor. Daphne is to process the car looking for prints. Meanwhile the son of the victim came in claiming to be on the phone with his dad when he was murdered. Karadec goes in to see Selena who is on the phone being bugged by a reporter who wants new on the case. Selena wants to know if he was murdered. Karadec said the guy run over twice with a car with no plates parked abandoned in a garage and Selena agrees he was murdered. When she asks where Morgan is, Karadec explains she's cleaning puke out of the car as she brought her baby to work which is a first for Selena. Karadec was sent to talk to the son before she does a press release. The son was sipping coffee in a comfy room while being talked to. He volunteers a name of someone who killed his father. He seems really sure of it. She is the live-in house keeping who his father was probably having relations with and was changed to sole-heir of the estate last year. He said he was on the phone with his dad who said he regretted making the housekeeper as heir and wanted to change it to him instead and that the housekeeper must have gotten wind of it and got angry. His last word was Twiddly winks. When Karadec questioned about the fact he was broke and now looking for money, but the son said why would he kill him before he was added to the will. Nothing more was said.

Morgan and Karadec went to the victim's house. Morgan notices drugs on the table while grabbing a water then awkwardly Morgan squeezes in beside Karadec practically sitting on him. The housekeeper said she does love him but she thinks of him as a father. No alini but never learned to drive. She has no idea of why tiddlywinks. Morgan said being on blood thinners the victim would not be that successful at having relations and said that she thinks she loved him as there was a sack of food in the fridge with a heart for an i dot in his name.

Karadec talks to the son who admits he was asking his dad for money for his daughter who was autistic and he wanted to put her in a special school. The son was upset saying his last memory will be of him being called a vulture looking for money.

Selena calls in Karadec to ask for a favor. He asks what the favor is and she said he's a 16 year old kid who needs to go to juvie instead of jail. She explains that Morgan asks for help when she was hired and this is what we need help with. Karadec agrees. Coming out of Selena's office, Daphne is staring at the list of car places with the correct version of the car. As she's talking Karadec about it she realizes that the neighbor had been lying. One of the LLC is his name. They go to arrest him. When arresting him, they tell him that they found his car. He happily announces, you found Ringo and proceeds to show them his cars and the fact that one is missing. He said he filed a police report for it being missed over a week ago and then proceeds to tell them a story about how when the victim left, a guy with a motorcycle would pull into his garage. The housekeeper has a boyfriend and he left the victim now. He pretended to leave again but this time was ready and the boyfriend left right away as the victim was ready for him.

Karadec meets with Aja a friend from the district attorney office. They seem old friends. She assumes he has been broken up with again but he's really there to ask for a favor concerning Roman's disappearance. She agrees to have the kid go to juvie. As they are watching a video camera of the car being stolen, Morgan googles something on her phone and announces the killer's name. Karadec asked if she just googled who was the killer on her phone. She said she did not but she said when she stole the phone she was getting a call from a car dealer. Morgan said the thief had certain types of shoes and was so tall so she figured out on the auto page who he was based on being cute and having the right shoes. No idea why tiddlewinks though. They go to talk to the thief. Meanwhile the thief ran. Karadec ran after him and tackled him off his motorcyle and arrested him. No idea why tiddlewinks though. They go to talk to the thief. Meanwhile the thief ran. Karadec ran after him and tackled him off his motorcyle and arrested him. When they brought him in they figured out that the housekeeper had no alibi but neither did the thief. The victim had said tiddlywinks as a way to let them know that the house keeper was protecting the Murderer as he had called him a waste of time meaning he is the killer. Karadec goes to talk to the son explaining that he saw his father's office and in the center of his desk was one picture, a picture of him and his son. Karadec said he was so grateful that he got to say goodbye to his dad but it's so unfair that he didn't.

Morgan said I guess I owe you one but since you owe me we can call it even. She apologized for not telling him. He said that it was smart to get Selena on the case as she's the best who taught him but offered his assistance if she needs it. He also said to be careful as guys like Gio are not nice.


Adam is a by the book police detective who is against breaking the rules which often causes him to clash with LAPD consultant Morgan Gillory. He comes across arrogant and self-righteous, believing he is better than Morgan and others in his precinct. However, this trait is rooted in his OCD and germaphobia, both of which propel his actions throughout the series. He feels a deep respect for the rules, law, and procedure for being a police officer. He believes in them fully, which is why he becomes irritated when Morgan blatantly disregards procedure. He does care for his colleagues and those around him, though his first, and perhaps true love, is the job.

Physical Appearance


Notes and Trivia

